This was definitely disappointing in comparison. I picked up this book and the sequel a long time ago because I absolutely loved East. Read this book to get to the real treat, the sequel.more I found after I read this I had to read Fire Arrow agian. Unfortunatly, I read Fire Arrow before I read this so I knew how it ended but it still didn't keep me from enjoying the story. I liked the book, and it would be a book that I would probably buy if I could. I believe the books mission is to show what a hero truly is and isn't, hence the title. The main internal struggle is for Collun to get over his fears and become like a hero, or at least so he thinks. The characters did develope, which is more to say than books such as the InheritanceĬycle, but they weren't too extreme. Worms just happen to be a good beastly outlet.

After all it is kind of odd to see a gaint worm dominating everything. And the myterious elvish person was kind of like the elves in LOTR in that they kind of left man to destroy themselves. After all when there's a mad queen out on the loose, a traitorous relative, a girl looking for the revenge of her father, and a bit of compatability between two people, you want to know how it all comes together.

I thought the end was pretty satisfing and Pattou left me wanting a whole lot more. There weren't any heart renching moments but there were scenes that I enjoy reading over and over, particularrly towards the end. The story was almost a little too simple for me. As the odd team journeys through woods, labyrinths, and waist lands a plot that could destroy all of the land surfaces as well as the truths to Collun's unhappy past. This is the story of a boy named Collun who desperately needs to get over his cowardice in order to save his kidnapped sister from who knows what? As he journy's to find her he troups up with a wizard out to help, a fenale archer with a firey disposition and a thing for revenge, an old witty friend, and a mysterious elf like fellow who doesn't feel any obligation to help people other than his own kind. This is the story of a boy named Collun who desperately needs to get over his cowardice in order to save his kidnapped sister from who knows what? As he journy's to find her he troups up with a wizard out to help, a fenale archer with a firey disposition and a thing for revenge, an old witty friend, and a mysterious elf like fellow w This is not Edith Pattou's best work ever but you still need to read it in order to fully apreciate the next book, Fire Arrow, which is just flat out spectacular. This is not Edith Pattou's best work ever but you still need to read it in order to fully apreciate the next book, Fire Arrow, which is just flat out spectacular.